I think the confusion is from the initial post. (07-05-19 07:07 AM)Louise - Raymarine - Moderator Wrote: Dear Sailingdeacon, PLUG ONE END TO THE AVAILABLE PORT OF THE 5 PORT CONNECTOR AND CONNECT THE OTHER END USING THE TWO WIRES OF IT TO THE TWO COLORED WIRES COMING FROM THE VHF NMEA0183 MY RESEARCH TELLS ME ALL I NEED IS A RAYCOM Seatalk Ng To Nmea0183 Adaptor PART A06071. I AM LOOKING TO PROVIDE THE COORDINATES TO THE VHF FROM THE GPS - NOT THE REVERSE. I cannot advise on the connectors of third party products, however if you are looking to get GPS data on your network from the VHF I suggest connecting the VHF to the chartplotter via NMEA0183 (if this is a function). YES THE GARMIN 541S IS THE GPS SOURCE AND IT IS nmea2000 I have seen the Garmin 541 has an internal GPS, are you not using this as a GPS source? How is the chartplotter connected to the pilot? THIS IS THE GARMIN GPS, NOT SOMETHING ADDITIONAL. THIS IS THEN CONNECTED TO A RAYMARINE A06064 WITH ONE OF ITS 5 PORTS AVAILABLE - HOPEFULLY FOR USE TO THE VHG.

IS it a STng NMEA2000 backbone you have or just a NMEA2000 with devicenet connectors? i THINK IT IS A BACKBONE: I HAVE A RAYMARINE P70 THAT IS CONNECTED TO THE GARMIN 541S GPS (WHICH IS NMEA2000) VIA A RAYMARINE T CONNECTOR USING RAYMARINE CABLES. (07-04-19 10:42 AM)Louise - Raymarine - Moderator Wrote: Dear sailingdeacon,Īre you trying to connect Standard Horizon VHF to the backbone to provide GPS data across the network? NOT EXACTLY, AM TRYING TO PROVIDE GPS DATA TO THE VHF.

MY RESEARCH TELLS ME ALL I NEED IS A RAYCOM Seatalk Ng To Nmea0183 Adaptor a06071. I am simply trying to provide the gps coordinates TO the vhf when I do a VHF DSC emergency call to the coast guard. SEE MY RESPONSES BELOW IN CAPS (SAILINGDEACON).